ICBC Care in Victoria BC

best chiropractor for neck pain relief

As a multi-disciplinary clinic in Victoria BC, we bring together chiropractic, massage, physiotherapy, and kinesiology services to address your needs. What distinguishes us is our proficiency in identifying structural damages following car accidents and develop stages of recovery plan to help you return to your Pre-accident status.

Schedule an assessment in Victoria BC

With a commitment to your well-being, our skilled team ensures thorough assessments and individualized treatment strategies. Take the first step towards recovery - schedule your assessment now.

How Much Does ICBC Cover? (For New ICBC claims scheduled after March 1st, 2025)
Chiropractic Initial Assessment With 1st Treatment 100% Covered $0
Chiropractic Follow-Up Treatment $61 of $70 $9 Per Visit
Physiotherapy Initial Assessment With 1st Treatment 100% Covered $0
Physiotherapy Follow Up Appointments $93 of $105 $12 Per Visit
Registered Massage Therapy Initial Assessment With Treatment (60 Minutes) 100% Covered $0
Follow Up Registered Massage Therapy (60 Minutes) $98.70 of $131.25 $32.55 Per Visit
Kinesiology: Initial Assessment & Follow Up Appointment 100% Covered $0

Cedar Hill Sports Therapy - A BetterBack Clinic

1662 McKenzie Ave #204
Victoria, BC V8N 0A4

P: (250) 744-2882

F: (250) 744-2883

8:45am - 7:00pm

8:45am - 7:00pm

8:45am - 7:00pm

8:45am - 7:00pm

8:45am - 12:00pm
1:00pm - 3:30pm

Saturday & Sunday